The library will be closed February 16-22 & February 26
Stop by the library this month to add your heart!

No borrows at the end of the month?
No problem!
The last seven days of each calendar month, patrons are able to choose from a curated selection of eBooks, audiobooks, TV shows, movies, comics, and manga.
As always, titles in hoopla's Bonus Borrows program don't count against your limit. The only change is that you now get Bonus Borrows the last seven days of EVERY MONTH.
So you can enjoy hoopla all month long!

Grant Public Library is partnering with Ronald McDonald House Charities Alabama to collect tabs for their recycling program. Tabs can be found on soda cans as well as many other canned items.
Donations are accepted year round any time the library is open. Please place donations in the collection container located in the lobby.
Have you checked out the
great resources available on the
Users anywhere in the state of Alabama can select resources by category, grade level (from elementary to adult), or from a general list.
Resources include
* consumer databases such as Gale Legal Forms
* research databases like Explora
* educational resources such as TeachingBooks & PebbleGo
* e-books such as Capstone eBooks
* online encyclopedias
Alabama Virtual Library is provided FREE to all Alabamians by the Alabama Public Library Service. Click on the owl to learn more.
Did you know that you have access to no-cost, 1-to-1 online tutoring, resume and cover letter review, and other learning resources through the State Library of Alabama? Watch this webinar to learn:
How to create an account and connect with a tutor
What to expect during a tutoring session
How to use 24/7 drop-off review
What's included in our collection of test prep materials
How job seekers can get career support with Career Alabama

Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday & Monday: Closed